Basically, all users would get a ‘score’ for how valuable a Tweet from their Twitter profile or Share on their Facebook fan page actually is. Then, they would accumulate points based on those shares or tweets they make for others. In return they could spend those points and get actions (Facebook likes / Tweets) from other users.
The whole system did have a slightly greyhat (not totally ethical) feel to it, but it was just in the idea stages, so I decided I could figure out how to make it less about marketers and more about connections in the future.
As is sometimes the case when you have valuable ideas that nobody has created before, someone does actually go ahead and turn that idea into a fully fledged product. The end result, in this case, is a website…
A website named Twiends.
Before I get into how you can use Twiends and get the most out of the service, I want to show you an example of how powerful it can be…
I was actually hoping somebody else would write about this service because it is a tad shady, and verging of the edge on the kind of topics I’ll write about. I am surprised no other large blogger (that I’m aware of) jumped on this sooner, because of how powerful this service actually is.
And, what that power actually means for the future of the internet. More on that later…
For now, I want to show you how powerful Twiends (100% free) actually is. I first of all used the service to help increase the number of followers I had on Twitter.
In a couple of years, I’ve naturally been able to attract about 6,000 followers to my page. These followers are very targeted and I get hundreds of clicks on links that I tweet. Though I’ve known how to artificially increase my Twitter account via other methods, I’ve never felt that it was really necessary, or would get me more clicks.
That being said, I did want to try Twiends on my account. The result? 5,000+ new followers in just a couple of days…and I was barely even using the service.
I also did a quick trial on my Facebook page and received 600 likes in a couple of days, without lifting a finger:
The benefit of Twiends is purely fake social proof. On my Fiverr post I predicted the death of social proof in the near future, and the popularity of Twiends – over 300,000 members – is only helping to confirm that prediction. This is not a service that you will be able to directly earn money from (unless you sell your accounts).
It can indirectly make you money though, because social proof is so powerful. I’ve mentioned a few times on this blog how showing things like your Feed count or Twitter follower account can have a huge impact on subscriber conversions.
As a quick scenario, imagine that you’re brand new to a city. You go out on your first evening and see two restaurants. One with nobody inside, and another that’s almost full of people. Which one do you go in?
Later on in the evening, you want to go and party to get a feel for the place. Two nightclubs are in the city center. One looks quiet while the other has a huge queue outside. Which one – besides queuing – would you prefer to be inside?
Just as social proof is powerful offline, it’s hugely powerful online too. Social proof can influence people to buy products, read content, share content, and subscribe to content. Pretty much what every website owner wants their visitors to do.
With this in mind, it’s no surprise that Twiends now has a #978 Alexa rank in a matter of weeks. That’s 978th most popular website on the entire internet (!).
Similar to my original idea, Twiends works on a voting and credit basis. The credit system behind Twiends is known as Seeds. You accumulate seeds every time you either watch a Youtube video, like a page on Facebook, or follow someone on Twitter.
The number of seeds you accumulate depends on how many seeds each user has chosen to give away for those specific actions. Usually you get 2 or 3 seeds for each of these actions.
With the seeds you have accumulated from this action, you can then get people to follow you on Twitter or like your page on Facebook. Because the service is so popular, you can literally start getting new fans or followers within minutes of joining the service.
Now that I’ve explained how Twiends works, I want to say that I don’t believe the service – in it’s current form – will be around for much longer. It’s usage generally defies the TOS of numerous websites, and encourages activities on them I’m sure the respective services won’t like.
For that reason, you should a) only use this service on accounts you can deal with possibly being banned and b) utilise this now if you want to use it, because it won’t be around forever.
With one hour per day of using the service manually, you could probably get 100 to 200 seeds. Enough to get you about 100 Facebook likes of 100 Twitter followers. With the use of automation techniques I’m going to describe below, you can expect to get 3,000-10,000 seeds every single day.
Enough for between 1,500 and 5,000 new likes/followers per day.
Sounds good? Here’s what you need to do…
Step One: Create an Account
The first thing you need to do is visit Twiends and sign-up as a new user. This is 100% free to do, and takes just a few seconds.
Step Two: Create a Fake Facebook Account
I did say this was a tad shady, so you have been warned. Your fake Facebook account is going to be used to accumulate thousands of seeds per day which you can convert into likes, follows or Youtube views.
For the good of the service, I would love if you used an actual Facebook account that you personally use, but let’s be honest about how most people are using the system.
Step Three: Make your Fake Facebook Account an Admin
If you want to accumulate likes to one of your Facebook pages then you’re going to need to connect that page to Twiends. Twiends only allows you to add pages that you’re actually an admin of – to prevent people from selling followers and likes – so this is an important step.
Once you’ve done this, simply connect your Facebook page to Twiends and your Twitter account (if you want followers) and then set how many seeds you’re willing to give away for new likes and follows. I recommend that you set each to at least 3, preferably 4 seeds.
Step Four: Get 50 Free Seeds
To get a quick 50 seeds, simply sign-up to the Twiends newsletter available here once you’re logged in.
The following steps are going to help you automatically increase your seed count by utilising Facebook likes on the system. To begin, you’re going to need Firefox and an extension callediMacros (free). This extension allows you to duplicate mouse clicks on your system, so you don’t have to keep pressing the necessary buttons required to collect seeds.
If you’re using the latest version of Firefox, you’ll be able to open iMacros by selecting the iMacros icon on your browser toolbar. Make sure you restart Firefox if you don’t see this straight away. Clicking on that icon reveals a window on the left of your screen which shows some pre-recorded action scripts.
You first want to highlight “Demo-ArchivePage” then select Edit Macro on the edit tab. You’re going to want to delete everything that’s there, and replace it with the contents of this text file. Once you’ve done that, simple save and close the window.
Now, all you need to do is click on the “Play” tab, change the Max number from 3 to 999, and then select Play (Loop). You’ll now start accumulating thousands of seeds, on autopilot.
If you have any problems with this, then do ask in the comments below and I’ll help as best as I can. Some people have reported crashing when using this, with the 100% proven fix being that you need to have the Twiends window open on your computer at all times.
I didn’t experience any issues on my system, but that’s something to keep in mind.
You can also automate the gathering of seeds by following people on Twitter. Unlike the Facebook section, this is fairly slow and requires you to have a legitimate (read: not brand new) Twitter account.
All you have to do is drag this link – AutoTwitter – to your browser bookmark bar and then Click on your new bookmarked link, and watch the javascript work its magic.
Thanks to Nemesis from BlackhatWorld for the code
Note that I recommend you only run this twice per day to reduce the risk of your account being banned. I tried this for two weeks straight and had no issues.